Here are some of our supporters’ impressions about our books.
Feel free to email us yours ([email protected]) to be anonymously added to these.


David (USA)
It has been a pleasure supporting Killian’s and Pascal’s photographic series and thematic explorations - Light, Heat, Summer Brothers, among others. Pascal’s eye and his capacity to capture light and form places these visual essays in the lexicon of Bruce Weber and Herb Ritts. With Killian as his enchanting muse, these books are evocative essays on masculinity, youth, and beauty.

Beck (USA)
Each book is an exquisite exploration of the male nude in bucolic settings. Their work is subtle eroticism with a fresh edge. Difficult to choose a favourite, best to have all.

Paul (United Kingdom)
I have bought several of Killian’s books — the most recent, UNCUT, being my favourite. All of them are full of beautiful photographs. The books are excellent quality and the photographs are both clear and well presented. The service provided by Killian is first class. The ordering process is easy and the delivery is quick and reliable. The books are well packaged and discreet. Each book is signed and, if appropriate, numbered. The books are expensive, but you do feel like you are receiving a rare and special item.

Joseph (USA)
Killian and Pascal create the most amazing art photography books. The shading, angles and viewpoints of Pascal portray Killian to the greatest possible aesthetic and artistic advantages. I have purchased all of the books and can honestly say that they are amazing and beautiful works of art. I am looking forward to the next book. Each book is a true wonder and work of art in the very best sense.

Eddie (USA)
Elegant artistry is what I have in each of my books featuring Killian. I own the Room 001, UNCUT, YOUTH, and HEAT books. Each photo shows Killian in beautifully featured locations and there is magic captured through Pascal’s lens. Killian is undoubtedly one of the most handsome men in the world and I look forward to future works of art that I can add to my collection.

Stephen (USA)
Little did I know in 2018 when I bought a slim volume of photos called ROOM 001 Killian, that I would become addicted to the collaborative efforts of this photographer and his model, Killian. Any attempt to choose a favorite from their many books in my collection would be futile. With the recent addition of UNCUT, we can see the full spectrum of their working relationship - from the nearly Caravaggio like images that first caught my attention on Instagram several years ago, to carefree play under vivid blue skies in last year’s release, YOUTH. There is always a new twist to the story they tell, each new volume is like the next chapter in a beautiful adventure. Do not miss out.

Jérémie (France)
Les livres de Killian et Pascal ont en commun de proposer une parfaite harmonie entre les poses — statiques ou dynamiques — de Killian et le décor. La confiance absolue entre le photographe et son modèle est visible et produit un rendu esthétique toujours exceptionnel mettant en valeur à la fois la beauté du corps mais aussi des décors, qu'ils soient naturels ou forgés par l'homme. Dans le même temps, chaque livre a une identité forte et propose son propre univers.Hâte de découvrir votre regard sur la Californie.

Kees (Netherlands)
These are high quality products. Lovely books with professional photographs of beautiful men at exotic locations. Whether it’s Killian alone or with his friends. For lovers of male erotica!

Martin (USA)
I’ve purchased every one of Killian’s books. The first book made a statement with the quality of its photography and design. The books, and Killian, get hotter and more beautiful with each edition. For me, there is no finer compendium of male beauty.

J.P. (USA)
“Le barbu musclé” read the title of the post on a random blog. Intrigued, I clicked on the link. So began my fascination with Killian. Years later, I have a growing collection of Killian and Pascal's books. Each one is truly a work of art and in my eyes, a masterpiece.
UNCUT, HEAT, and ROOM 001 are three of my favorites. Some of Pascal's photos of Killian are so stunningly beautiful, it almost hurts to look at them.

David (France)
Depuis 2016, année de leur première collaboration, Killian et Pascal nous ravissent régulièrement d’un nouveau chapitre de leur Odyssée photographique qui leur a déjà permis de nous projeter dans différentes régions du globe telles que la Thaïlande, la Grèce, Majorque ou le sud-ouest de la France …

Si les deux tomes de SUMMER BROTHERS mettent en scène un Killian entouré d’une horde sympathique de copains de son âge, très vite le modèle sort du lot et entame une carrière solo que Pascal ne cesse de mettre en valeur dans une série de livres plus beaux les uns que les autres : ROOM 001, HEAT, LIGHT, BLISS, YOUTH & UNCUT.

Feuilleter l’un – ou l’ensemble de ces ouvrages – c’est découvrir le travail d’un tandem qui veille au moindre détail pour tenter à chaque « clic » de toucher la perfection. Pascal nous invite à pénétrer dans un monde, ou le jeu entre le blanc, le bleu, l’ocre et le noir apparait comme une ligne directrice devenue désormais signature. À l’image des cartes géographiques de notre enfance, elles évoquent à tour de rôle l’ombre et la lumière, le ciel et l’eau, la pierre et la peau.

Leur prochaine collaboration les mènera en Californie pour un projet ambitieux, le plus important à ce jour, et qui devrait nous réserver encore de belles surprises.

Fan de photo et collectionneur de livres d’art depuis de nombreuses années, c’est avec fierté que s’aligne l’ensemble de leurs ouvrages dans ma bibliothèque, sans parler des magnifiques tirages qui sont venus rejoindre d’autres photographes célèbres de ma collection, certains Bruce Weber ou Herb Ritts, dont les admirateurs sauront observer qu’ils sont parfois des sources d’inspiration pour les prises de vue de Pascal.

En parallèle, Pascal vient de terminer deux nouveaux livres qu’il consacre cette fois-ci à un autre « copain de plage de Killian », je veux parler de Clément, TONES et TONED, deux autres incontournables si vous êtes fan de l’univers de Pascal.

Todd (USA)
I first started following Killian when I saw his photos in Larrikin Lads in which he had a full length beard which evoked strong timeless masculinity juxtaposed with his rugged hairiness and the soft gentleness of the fineness of the hair on his head and his youth. I bought that book and have since bought Killian and Pascal’s BLISS and HEAT and also look forward to the photos they take in CALIFORNIA. Those will be well placed on my cocktail table here in San Diego alongside BLISS and HEAT. Killian’s body is the ideal male beauty. From the plethora of stunning body hair everywhere, to the perfect roundness of his butt, to the softness of his hair, the beauty of his eyes when he looks into the camera and directly at you, his beautiful face, and the kindness with which he interacts on his MYM page, it is all perfect and you want to be there holding him, taking care of him, and to escape the world into a perfect movie setting and even more, the perfect life. Thank you for being you Killian. Thank you Pascal for capturing the most beautiful man in the world from every artistic and sensual angle. Your talent and dedication to capturing Killian’s beauty is unrivaled.

Jean-Dominique (France)
J’ai découvert Killian il y a quelques années quand il était le plus barbu des coaches sportifs. J’ai découvert alors son travail avec Pascal et ce fut le début de ma collection d’albums photos tous aussi superbes les uns que les autres. Depuis, la barbe a presque disparu, les années s’enchaînent, les muscles s’épaississent, mais Killian reste toujours un si beau modèle, surtout quand il sourit. On fond ! Qu'il soit seul ou entouré d'autres très beaux modèles, on retrouve toujours le travail de son artiste binôme.
Profitons encore des belles photos, mais il sera difficile d’oublier Killian quand il arrêtera  de poser pour Pascal !                                                       

Olivier (France)
Quand Pascal, le photographe talentueux, rencontre Killian, Loïc ou Baptiste (et bien d’autres), des garçons aussi gentils que sublimes, cela donne à chaque fois un livre de photos empreintes de sensibilité et baignées de lumière — et Pascal la maîtrise.
Il capture ces instants de vie, ces postures ou ces mises en scène. Il met en valeur leurs corps naturels, sans artifices.
J’ai pu acquérir plusieurs livres, de formats variés, et si je le pouvais, j’aimerais tous les avoir… mais qui sait, un jour !
Merci à vous tous pour cette évasion à chaque fois.

Carl (USA)
To consider Killian and Pascal’s only physic photography would be to miss the point. The collaboration uses the body to study light, shadow, composition and yes, beauty.  I am amazed at how they continue to keep the study of muscle fresh. 
I have several of their books in my collection and I can say that I have never regretted a purchase.

David (Australia)
Pascal has captured Killian’s gentleness and strength in an amazing series of books over the years.
Whether in the white room or in exotic colourful destinations, this charming young man’s physique is recorded amazingly.

Mitch (USA)
Now, the five books are just amazing! The professional wrapping and padding showed you both really care for the books, which are works of art. I love each of them!
SUMMER OF BROTHERS 1 and 2 are so much fun! Killian and all the other models are beautiful, fit and masculine, in a very natural way. The models in these books have qualities representing quintessential male physiques that are timeless. The photoshoots must have been exciting and fun, and each of the incredible men obviously knew they were working with a world-class photographer, as they appear to do whatever group or individual pose or action Pascal asked of them! Very impressive.
The books featuring only Killian are utterly fantastic! ROOM 001 and UNCUT are both excellent, and LIGHT is superb. I really am at a loss of words to describe how I feel about the perfect images and quality of these three books. I wish I knew of them earlier in to order to purchase the most complete Very Prime Books when they were initially offered. Photographic masterpieces are created with the pairing of you two. Killian, you look amazing from every angle (from far away to extreme closeup), and Pascal, you are able to capture Killian (and his friends) at his (their) best under nearly any lighting condition. And taking the time, effort, and expense to shoot in beautiful locations is certainly worth it!

Jim (USA)
Wow, I am so enjoying all the books that you sent.  First, thanks for the way you sent them; they are in perfect condition.  The quality of the books and the photos is amazing.  Outstanding.  Also, the books are so much more than I anticipated.  It such great art.  I look forward to the next ones...

David B. (USA)
I am the owner of 8 books published by Killian and Pascal:  SUMMER OF BROTHERS, ROOM, HEAT, LIGHT, BLISS, YOUTH, THERE and UNCUT.  
As a model, Killian had developed a body which is balanced and fit. His presence in front of the camera suggests he is confident and relaxed.  From his social media, one can tell he is dedicated to a lifestyle emphasizing not just fitness, but also fun, relaxation and that he has a nice sense of humor. Not taking himself too seriously, his presence in these books reflects a man who has a good sense of self. The result is that he looks good in front of the camera and at the same time, someone you could imagine meeting for a beer at the end of the day. 
As a photographer, Pascal's work shows a great sensitivity to the play of light and shadow and the beauty of the human (male) form. He captures Killian (and the other models) in a way that you feel you are getting an insight into their life at that particular moment - whether having fun, relaxing, or pausing for a quiet moment. One can only feel that Pascal is actually introducing Killian and the others to us. These are not men posing like a mannequin to show their beauty, these are men living and enjoying their life and we are given a bit of insight into who they are.

I look forward to their next publication called "Isles" and what I can imagine are ideas still percolating for collaborations beyond that. Have a great session this June guys!

Jean-Marc (France)
Les livres de Pascal et Killian ont ceci d'extraordinaire qu'on est au moins aussi heureux de les savoir rangés dans sa bibliothèque ou posés sur son meuble de chevet, que l'on prend de plaisir à en admirer les pages. Est-ce encore un effet de la magie Killian ?
Car je dois l'avouer, il me reste quelques doutes quant à la nature entièrement humaine de Killian. Cette beauté phénoménale qui éclate sur chaque photo, sur la moindre parcelle de son corps, quelle est sa part de divin ? De toute évidence il n'est pas pétri de la même argile que nous tous.
De plus j'ai quelques indices sur ses pouvoirs thaumaturges (il soigne à merveille certains maux de l'âme). Et il n'est pas maladroit non plus sur le plan du mentalisme.
L'enquête doit se poursuivre. Et elle est tellement agréable à mener...
Pascal a bien sûr toute sa part dans cette magie. La qualité technique et le soin apporté à la réalisation de chaque photo sont au service d'une ambition artistique qui fait sens tout au long de chaque livre. Il me semble nécessaire de souligner ici que c'est bien le grand format 30*30 qui rend pleinement justice au grain des photos, à leur formidable présence. Certes l'investissement financier est important. Mais le saut qualitatif est bien à la même hauteur.

Pascal and Killian’s books are extraordinary, for you are at least just as happy to know they are stored in your library or resting on your bedside table than browsing and admiring them. Could it be another effect of Killian’s magic?
I have to confess that I’m still unsure that Killian’s nature is entirely human. What is the share of divine in this phenomenal beauty that shines on every photograph and on the smallest part of his body? Obviously he is not made of the same clay as us.
In addition, I have some clues about his miraculous powers (he treats wonderfully certain ailments of the soul). And he is not a bad mentalist either..
The investigation must go on. And it is so enjoyable to conduct…
Pascal has of course his full share in this magic. The technical quality and care given to the making of each photo serve an artistic ambition that shows throughout each book. It seems necessary to emphasize here that it is the large format 30*30 which fully does justice to the grain of the photos and their formidable presence. The financial investment is important. But the qualitative leap is just as high.


Jérémie G. (France)
Bravo pour DOUBLE : ce livre est vraiment une bonne surprise (même si en lisant l'introduction on comprend qu'il vient de loin).
Le livre joue subtilement sur la ressemblance, non seulement physique, mais aussi dans certaines attitudes, entre Killian et Adrien, et s'en amuse : à travers certaines mises en scène, le photographe et ses deux modèles nous invitent clairement à jouer à reconnaître qui est qui, à commencer par la couverture.
En prime, DOUBLE nous révèle finalement le secret de la percée de Killian sur les réseaux sociaux et répond à la question « Comment tout a-t-il commencé ? ». Il s'agit donc d'un must pour tous les fans du travail de Pascal et Killian.

Congratulations for DOUBLE: this book is really a good surprise (even though reading the introduction shows that it originated a long time ago.)
The book subtly plays on Killian’s and Adrien’s likeness, not only physical, but also in some stances: in some stagings, the photographer and both models clearly invite us to play at recognising who is who, starting with the cover itself.
Moreover, DOUBLE eventually reveals the secret of Killian’s breakthrough on Instagram and answers the question “How did it all start?”. Therefore, It’s a must-have for all the fans of Pascal’s and Killian’s work.

David (France)
Avec DOUBLE, Pascal et Killian nous offrent un nouveau chef-d’œuvre.
Les décors extérieurs ont laissé place à un décor intérieur intime et parisien. Le temps se fige pour une matinée, on imagine un dimanche matin où l’on prend juste le temps… Killian n’est pas seul : il partage l’affiche avec son « double » Adrien. La ressemblance est frappante et le duo fonctionne à merveille.
Un volume à rajouter absolument aux autres, nouvelle étape du voyage qui nous est proposé depuis maintenant plus de sept ans par Pascal et Killian. Magnifique ! Bravo Messieurs.

With DOUBLE, Pascal and Killian deliver a new masterpiece.
The outdoor settings have been traded for an intimate Parisian home. Time stands still for a morning — one could imagine a lazy Sunday lingering… Killian is not alone: he co-stars with his “doppelgänger” Adrien. They shares a striking resemblance and their duet is wonderful.
This new volume, an absolute must-have, is a new stage in the journey Pascal and Killian have taken us on for now more than seven years. Magnificent! Congratulations, gentlemen.

Arnaud (France)
Wow. On croirait ce corps parfait unique, et il se dédouble. L’ambiguïté qui naît de la ressemblance des modèles crée une atmosphère à la fois troublante et pleine de complicité, érotique et fraternelle. Chacun d’eux se révèle avec l’assurance que procure une beauté véritable, naturelle, et semble apprécier le magnétisme de son alter ego, tel Narcisse se contemplant dans l’eau.

Wow. You’d think this perfect body is one of a kind, and yet it splits in two. The ambiguousness that springs from the models’ likeness creates a confusing atmosphere full of brotherly and erotic complicity. Each model reveals himself with a confidence born from a true and natural beauty, and seems to appreciate his alter ego’s magnetism, like Narcissus staring at himself.

Beck (USA)
DOUBLE has all the wonderful qualities of your previous work, 
but more playful.
Just delightful!

Mark (UK)
I was blown away by the DOUBLE book.  Killian and Adrien are a dream model duo and Pascal’s compositions on every page are an artistic triumph. The quality of this book is second to none — both in terms of the content and the materials! 

Jean-Dominique (France)
Bonne idée de mettre Killian et Adrien ensemble dans ce livre. Mes photos préférées sont celles où vous jouez avec le miroir. Bravo à Pascal pour avoir parfaitement joué avec les reflets ! Félicitations à tous les trois.
Et en trois mots : j’ai adoré. 

It was good idea to put Killian and Adrien together in this book. The photos where you play with the mirror are my favourite. Congratulations to Pascal for playing perfectly with reflections! Well done, you three. And in three words: I loved it.

Wahn (Canada)
I've been purchasing Pascal's stunning books with Killian for a number of years now, and I'm deeply impressed with the consistently high level of excellence and artistry in every book. DOUBLE is a noteworthy new addition to my collection, and, like all of my books from these talented gentlemen, I expect to receive many compliments from my guests when they sit at my coffee table and peruse the new book. Huge bravo to Pascal, Killian and Adrien for this latest masterpiece.

Chao Ye (China)
Here are two handsome faces with two strong and perfect bodies. So, just like this book’s title indicates, everything is doubled, including enjoying it. But if I had to choose one man, Killian is always the Best!

Joseph (USA)
The DOUBLE book is truly something special. The photography is artistic and the relaxed, intimate and playful atmosphere created by the models is natural. The book captures fleeting moments and is a true work of photographic art. Bravo and congratulations to Killian, Adrian and to Pascal!

Olivier (France)
Comment dire : juste ma-gni-fi-que ! DOUBLE: deux statues de muscles et de poils qui ne laissent pas de marbre. L’alchimie avec Adrien est parfaite !
HEAT: coup de chaud assuré ! Remède idéal à un été qui n'arrive pas !

How shall I put it? Simply magnificent!
DOUBLE: two muscular and hairy statues that will make you lose your… marbles. The chemistry with Adrien is perfect!
HEAT: the temperature is rising — which is welcome since we’re currently longing for Summer!


Hervé (USA)
Le Very Huge ELEVEN est arrivé à bon port dans ses trois couches d’un impressionnant et élégant packaging.
Ce monstre de l’art dépasse toutes mes espérances. On a envie à la fois de le dévorer, et de l’effeuiller lentement page à page, tellement ces images sont encore plus belles en grand format .
Je n’ose imaginer les milliers d’heures passées pour faire naître cet énorme anthologie.
Bref… bravo et merci encore !

The Very Huge ELEVEN arrived safely, wrapped in three layers of an impressive, quality packaging.
This monster of art exceeds all my expectations. You will want to both devour it and slowly leaf through it, for these images are even more beautiful in large format.
I can’t imagine the thousands of hours spent to birth this huge anthology book.
In short… well done and thank you again!

David (France)
La première fois que j’ai entendu Killian et Pascal parler du projet de Very Huge ELEVEN, j’ai bien sûr applaudi tout en étant conscient du challenge que représentait une telle ambition. J’ai croisé les doigts en espérant que les fidèles de ce duo seraient nombreux à soutenir ce projet ! Retracer sept années de collaboration, pouvoir replonger dans ces images qui nous accompagnent depuis tant d’années, les matérialiser en les rassemblant dans un livre d’une dimension exceptionnelle, voilà chose faite. Au final on se demande si c’est Pascal qui rend hommage à Killian ou si c’est Killian qui rend hommage Pascal. Les deux à coup sûr ! Bravo Messieurs et merci pour ces onze, non désormais douze ouvrages que vous nous avez offerts car DOUBLE — votre petit dernier — nous prouve encore une fois que votre talent est inépuisable.

The first time I heard Killian and Pascal mention the Very Huge ELEVEN project, I applauded, of course, yet aware that such an ambition was a real challenge. I crossed my fingers, hoping that there would be many fans to support it. Tracing these seven years of collaboration, being able to delve again into these images that have been with us for so many years, and gathering them in a book with exceptional measurements: that’s done. Eventually, one wonders if it’s Pascal paying a tribute to Killian or the other way around. Both, certainly! Congratulations, gentlemen, and thank you for these eleven — no, twelve — books, since DOUBLE, the latest one, proves once again that your talent is endless.

Uwe (Germany)
ELEVEN, the new book by Killian and Pascal, was my Christmas present 2023 to myself. And I am once again absolutely convinced of their new work.
But doesn't it get boring when you buy a new book with once again the same man photographed? No, definitely not. On one hand, Killian is simply a stunningly attractive man who knows how to present himself well in different environments and with changing moods and doesn't just show off one look. On the other hand, Pascal manages to capture Killian's versatility perfectly with the camera and knows how to stage it. It gets particularly exciting with detailed photos, so to speak, like discovering the athlete from head to toe with a magnifying glass. And there is also a wink in some of the photos, because where else, for example, does a Lacoste crocodile bite into what many people experience to be an erogenous part of their body?
That means: A new photo book from Killian and Pascal is never boring or repetitive. It's definitely worth buying it.

Nick (Singapore)
I took my time going through ELEVEN, getting lost in thought and taking in the pages before me. 
Pascal, you have such a good eye for capturing your muse, a Tom of Finland drawing come to life. 
Killian, your form, composure, ability to master how Pascal ensures your image is with us for the rest of time.
The book, with its accompanying print & Polaroid ,will be treasured for many years to come. I can‘t wait to see what is coming next. Of course I acknowledge I do not have earlier editions, this can always be worked on. Proud to be a collector... albeit a new one. 


J.P. (USA)
One of my favorite things over the last few years has been to impatiently wait for Killian's book to arrive in the mail after it’s been shipped. My expectations are always high and ISLES did not disappoint! It’s another stunning addition to my almost complete collection of Killian and Pascal’s books. As always, the photography quality is exceptional, with each shot  bringing out the best of Killian and the surroundings. What truly sets ISLES apart is the way it infuses Killian’s presence with the essence of the Balearic and Canary Islands: the raw beauty of Formentera and Lanzarote/Fuerteventura/Gran Canaria combined with Killian’s devastatingly beautiful looks. As with previous books, the production quality is excellent. ISLES is a must-have addition to the collection of anyone who is a fan of Killian’s or simply a photography enthusiast.

C.Y. (China)
The Very Big version that I purchased came in a beautiful case that was a surprise to me. The book 
is perfect as usual. ISLES is a book you cannot miss,with Killian's body and beautiful views, along with Pascal’s photography skill.
Among these photos, I have a favourite where Killian stands on sand wearing a white cloth, and poses to show his muscles. He looks like a Greek God on Earth.

David (USA)
Within “Isles”, Pascal has, once again, captured the seductive masculinity of Killian Belliard in a thematic collection of images that is one of their best collaborations (if not the best to date). The color compositions, explorations of light and shadow, textures, and locations allow Killian a setting to exhibit his masculine and enticing beauty, and Pascal’s lens captures every nuance. ISLES is an enticing adventure, both real and dreamlike.

Beck (USA)
ISLES arrived Friday. It’s fantastic and it was well worth the wait.
Best book you have made. Wonderful ventures into creativity; playful and sensual.
Looking forward to ELEVEN.

Wahn (CA)
I just returned from an extended business trip to find your astonishing book ISLES waiting for me at my front door.
I've enjoyed your work for years now and have a number of your titles, and they're all uniquely beautiful, but this one is truly breathtaking.
Arresting, gorgeous, imaginative and yet always tasteful. Page after page. My favourite photographer shooting our favourite model, at the peak of their powers.
This is the best birthday gift I could have given myself. Bravo and many thanks.

Mitch (USA)
Killian and Pascal have once again produced a photographic masterpiece with their latest book release, ISLES. Killian has never looked better and the chosen Spanish island locations chosen provide some of the best backdrops we have seen for showcasing Killian’s amazing physique and accentuating his handsomeness as well as his gentle, masculine demeanor. The photos are, as expected, perfectly composed but not overly restrictive or repetitive. Taken individually, each image is worthy of becoming a framed print to become a work of art. Collectively, ISLES is another incredible treasure from this duo team.
ISLES not only explores provocative territory with Killian as the sole subject in and out of clothing, thankfully kept to a minimum, but also with props and media that accentuate his physicality in more imaginative ways. From that comfortable yellow blanket to palm fronds, silver spheres and delectable oranges, to scenes on the sailing boat, rustic shed and sand dunes. I was captivated by images of Killian with the ivory drapery flowing in the breezes on the sand dunes, and even more so with the iridescent sheet trying to envelop him. Many of these images are on par with or even exceed classic images from previous master male photographers. Killian and Pascal also exhibit some lightheartedness with Killian playing with mirrors and their desirable Polaroids. If this was not fun enough, images with multiple exposures of Killian will most likely draw a smile from the viewers as they did for me. The duo wrap up their exploration of the Spanish Islands with wonderfully contrasting and captivating images of Killian with the black volcanic sands.
Overall, ISLES is an excellent addition to Killian and Pascal’s photographic anthology, and is a worthy purchase for all collectors of fine-art male photography.

Douglas & Paul (USA)
Congratulations on another beautiful collaboration!
Although Paul is the true patron and I defer to his connoisseurship... I do know my way around a wonderfully constructed and executed book. So I say, again, congratulations.
The presentation is, as I expected, very elegant: the box and subsequent revelation of the cover (perhaps my favorite photograph); the luxurious feel of the paper; the singular focus.
I appreciated the inclusion of lighthearted moments (hats, balloons, Polaroids, oranges) that humanized those photographs. 
Again, Pascal and Killian, thanks for the sharing of your friendship and free spirits.

Marc (France)
Je viens de relire ISLES (c’est le mot qui me vient à l’esprit) et j’y trouve beaucoup de présence et une expression très personnelle qui est bien démontrée. Entre acteur danseur acrobate et « être humain » voilà un travail photographique qui révèle beaucoup d’une personnalité qui a des choses à dire ou plutôt à exprimer puisque le langage n’est pas le moyen de s’exprimer le plus efficace ! Et que ce qui s’exprime est très personnel. Et ça influence mes choix à moi. Bref. Une grande réussite qui valide mon choix de soutenir votre travail et de m’en approprier une partie.

I just read  — that’s the word that came to mind — again ISLES and I find in it a lot of presence and a very personal expression. Between actor dancer acrobat and “human being”, this is a photographic work that reveals a lot about a personality that has things to say, or rather express, since language is not the most efficient way to do it! And what is expressed is very personal. And it influences my own personal choices. To make it short: a big success that validates my choice to support your work and appropriate some of it.

Željko  (Croatia)
I enjoyed your latest book with its very good concept of a boat journey and different adventures happening on every call.
I like very much your sense of humour in several pictures, like the flowers on the body, palm in front of the body, etc.
Between many highlights I am especially fond of black and white images.
So I will be very happy when in future you will continue with provocative and humorous pictures — with or without colourful clothes.

Jean-Marc (France)
Il s'agissait de ma première expérience de commande auprès de Killian et Pascal. Par la simplicité du système en ligne, la disponibilité et la gentillesse de Killian, toujours présent pour répondre à toute demande d'information, la rapidité de la livraison, le soin apporté à la présentation, en un mot la qualité du service rendu, on est dans le plus grand professionnalisme, tout en restant à l'échelle humaine. Même la dédicace à la fin de chaque livre, que je prenais auparavant pour un gadget commercial inutile, devient une sympathique et touchante attention, qui par ailleurs valorise l'objet.

Pour la première, j'avais choisi LIGHT et ISLES par goût personnel pour les photos en extérieur et les atmosphères ensoleillées. Les deux volumes apparaissent vraiment comme des ouvrages de luxe. De par la qualité de la reliure, de la couverture, du papier satiné grâce auquel les photos prennent un relief et une présence saisissants, on tient entre les mains un objet précieux que l'on manipule avec délicatesse.

Première surprise, les photos sont sensiblement différentes de ce que je connaissais du travail de Pascal, pour l'essentiel à travers ses portraits de Killian. Disons-le d'emblée, on se situe là au plus haut niveau de l'art photographique. La variété des points de vue, l'inventivité des compositions et des cadrages, la finesse des couleurs et des nuances font qu'on admire longuement chaque page. Les poses sont souvent audacieuses, mais le talent du photographe les rend naturelles, sans emphase ostentatoire, avec toujours cette expression sérieuse que Killian, et surtout Pascal, affectionnent. Je recommande au passage le surprenant gros plan sur les pieds de notre modèle préféré.
Les deux volumes développent chacun leur projet propre, leur thème propre. LIGHT est davantage orienté vers le corps même de Killian, avec un rendu extraordinaire de sa peau, de son relief, de ses reflets, de sa lumière. Une délicieuse exploration que l'on ne voudrait jamais achever. 

Autre ambiance dans ISLES, où ce qui est passionnant est la recherche, renouvelée à chaque page, d'une interaction entre le modèle et le décor,  la fusion de la beauté du modèle dans la beauté d'un paysage paradisiaque, la sublimation mutuelle de l'un par l'autre. Chaque photo prise individuellement se suffit par elle-même, mais l'ensemble forme un tout cohérent.
Il va sans dire que l'on ne peut qu'avoir envie de poursuivre la collection, peut-être autour d'une thématique différente (ou pas). Pour ma part j'ai déjà commencé à économiser !
Encore un mot sur la beauté de Killian. Un mot ? Grand Dieu non, il n'y en a pas ! Il n'y en a plus, on les a tous épuisés. Nous sommes juste là face à l'infini…

This was my first order from Killian and Pascal. The simplicity of the online shop, Killian’s readiness and kindness, his being always available to answer any question, the fast delivery, the books’ meticulous presentation, in a word, the quality of service provided, all indicate utmost professionalism, yet on a human scale. Even the personalisation on the last page, which I always took for a useless commercial gadget, becomes a touching and friendly attention, while valorising the book.

For this first, my personal taste for outside photos and sunny atmospheres made me chose LIGHT and ISLES. Both volumes really appear like luxury books. The binding’s, cover’s and satin paper’s quality that give the photos a striking presence and relief, all make the book a precious object that one can only delicately handle.

First surprise, the photos are significantly different from what I knew of Pascal’s work, mostly though his portraits of Killian. Let’s say it right away, we are here at the highest level of photographic art. The various points of view, the inventive frames and compositions, the delicate colours and shades have you admire each page at length. The photographer manages to make often bold poses look natural, without any ostentatious emphasis, Killian always displaying this serious expression he — but mostly Pascal — is fond of. By the way, I must recommend here a surprising closeup of our favourite model’s feet.
Both volumes each display their own project and theme. LIGHT is more oriented toward Killian’s body itself, with an extraordinary rendering of the skin, relief, reflection and light. A delightful exploration that we wish would be endless.

ISLES offers a different atmosphere, each page showing a fascinating research of the interaction between the model and the background, fusing the model’s beauty with paradise landscapes, enhancing each other. Even though each individual image is self-sufficient, together they make a coherent whole.
Needless to say that one feels like expanding one’s collection, maybe around a different theme (or not). For me, I have already started to save!
One last word about Killian’s beauty. One word? God, there is not one left, we have already exhausted them all. We are just facing the infinite…


Jérémie G. (France)
Killian and Pascal’s latest book is a great invitation to travel and follow them “there”.
The variety of the locations combined with Killian’s evolution of facial hair style allows Pascal to display his mastering of lighting conditions to the full, whilst ensuring a consistency throughout the book.
One highlight of the book is the use of the wild open spaces offered by the various shooting locations with Killian sometimes almost lost in the landscape.
For the fans of Pascal and Killian’s work, there is no doubt that “There” will have one of the top spots in your collection. For people unfamiliar with their work, it is a great opportunity to discover it.

Joseph (USA)
The Very Prime Book is absolutely amazing. The photos are true works of art that capture the fleeting spirits of moments in time. The photography is breathtakingly beautiful and the locations and the moments captured are interesting and fascinating.
Congratulations to you both for creating such an exquisite and incredible book of art photography. You always amaze me with the beauty and quality of your books. Each one is better than its predecessors.
Congratulations on creating something so special and beautiful!

C.Y. (China)
This book is perfect as usual. The paper and color is so vivid. And Killian’s cowboy attire and looks have that kind of vintage feeling, back to the ’70s. I really like this idea. Most important, this book shows Killian’s perfection once again.

Beck (USA)
A magnificent frolic in California. Killian enhances the landscape and extends the fantasy that is California. THERE is where you must visit. Yet another delightful book.

Armando (Spain)
I’m absolutely in love with Pascal and Killian‘s work. This is the first time I buy one of their books, and I absolutely love every single one of the photos. To top it off, the packaging was really nice and the Polaroid with the thanks letter were details that made the book even more special. I cannot express how much I love the care and effort that you can see that was put into this book, and for that I’m really glad I decided to buy it. Thank you guys for your hard work, all the love and dedication you guys put into this book!

Željko (Croatia)
First — the packaging is a marvellous job, from the warning label FRAGILE to the special foam protection on the edges of the book. Super. 
Secondly — in five words, the book itself is a feast for the eyes. I love the black and white photos and the jeans shorts, and among the many highlights, like this photo with a straw between Killian’s teeth, my favourite masterpiece is the photo with a bunch of flowers in Killian’s underwear. In a word, this latest book is a miracle.

Todd (USA)
I previously bought Killian and Pascal’s Big Books - HEAT and BLISS. This time I bought the Very Big book THERE. It is double the size and thus double the amount of beautiful photos. My only regret is that I did not buy the Very Big books earlier. The photos are beyond outstanding! In their journey through southern California Pascal captures the varied beauty of the terrains of Joshua Tree, Palm Springs, Malibu, and Black’s Beach, and Killian is the focal point of all that beauty.
Whether you want to see Killian in the pool, on the beach, in the desert lost among the Joshua Trees and boulders, or on horseback, you will be able to see it all in THERE and with a fantastic focus on his shiny illustrious masculine hair.
If you are thinking of buying any of Killian and Pascal’s books consider buying the biggest ones as they will surpass your expectations!

Jean-Philippe (USA)
It’s a simple fact: Pascal and Killian create beautiful books, each one a work of art. THERE is incredibly well done. The paper, binding and printing are excellent and the scenes of California are so vivid that it almost feels like you're there. Killian, who looks stunning on every page with a ’70s/’80s pornstar look — untrimmed body, longer haircut — is perfection. He looks so comfortable and at ease in every scene, it’s a clear indication of the trust he has in Pascal. THERE is a beautiful book and a great addition to my collection.

David (France)
2022 restera une année clé de la production artistique du tandem Pascal – Killian avec deux ouvrages shootés en mai dernier en Californie et en France : THERE & THERE POLAROID Edition. Le collectionneur que je suis n’a pas hésité une seconde à acquérir les deux exemplaires, tellement l’un et l’autre sont complémentaires… Alors que THERE continue à nous enchanter dans son jeu des codes couleurs cher à Pascal, THERE POLAROID EDITION nous donne la sensation de revivre les même scènes dans une ambiance vintage plus années 70 & 80. Bravo à tous les deux pour ce travail remarquable … et à bientôt pour un nouvel opus ?

Uwe (Germany)
Waiting for a new book by Killian and Pascal is always exciting, but waiting for THERE was this time something very different for me. For the first time I wouldn’t receive a medium book, but a different format. I was waiting for the Very Prime book. The wait is over, the parcel arrived — and I am absolutely overwhelmed by the book. I liked all Medium books a lot, but this format is more than something different.
You get more than many more brilliant photos of a wonderful man, you get somehow little stories told — even without words. With more pages and more photos, settings are used to show changing positions, more close-ups, more details. You can follow Killian, how he is enjoying the various surroundings, how the process of filling the places with his presence is going on.
Seeing the books in Medium format can make you addicted to them, but this book is like entering new dimensions. Many words to praise the new work, one word shouted out loud could be the alternative description: WOW!

Mitch (USA)
THERE – Very Unique Edition is now my new favorite photography book from Killian and Pascal. Like their other books, the high quality and precision in photography and printing is maintained, and just as importantly, Killian remained in top physical form throughout their trip to California and Salagou. Upon repeated viewing, I once again became fascinated with the imagery on each page, similarly as one of my other favorite books, LIGHT. Due to my familiarity with the Polaroid Edition of this current book, and from briefly meeting Killian and Pascal and observing their process first-hand, made each photograph that much more intriguing. All photos were taken with patience to pose and frame Killian the best way possible in each scene, whether indoors, at the pool, or out in the harsh thorny desert. Killian and Pascal are creating masterpieces that will stand above most male photography books from the last 40+ years and their work will surely endure the test of time.

An intriguing theme that evolves throughout the book is Killian’s facial hair. He’s fully bearded or slightly shaven (mutton chops) early in their trip to Yucca Valley and Joshua Tree, which harkens back to the rugged look in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Then they are off to Palm Springs with Killian sporting a fine moustache, recreating the sexy look of the iconic 70’s - 80’s era. And onto Venice and beaches of southern California, with a clean-shaven face and carefree long hair, reminding us of surfers and lifeguards from the 90’s until today. Handsome Killian can pull off any of these looks or styles!

I am fortunate to have purchased one of the Very Unique Books and love seeing the photographs I chose as additions to my book. They were seamlessly integrated with similar photographs, and it took a while to recall which ones were my choices! The abundance of many remarkable photographs besides my choices should assure any fan or viewer that other versions of this book will be excellent choices as well.       

I look forward to what Killian and Pascal will work on next. In the meantime, my copy of THERE – Very Unique Book, will be fun to view and share with friends for years to come.


David (USA)
There’s something other-worldly about this most recent of collaborations by famed photographer, Pascal Loubet, and his timelessly handsome muse, Killian Belliard. Its construct is purposefully enigmatic and represents a diary of sorts, not of the present, but a more distant past — seemingly something found as if discovered in an old attic, with enough notation and visual play to put it in a time-out-of-mind context. Is it the photo diary of a long lost beau? Or perhaps that of a favorite uncle whose amorous adventures are only discovered after his passing? Or a study, perhaps, of character and cultural history, with physical transformations changing at every new venue.

What is wonderful, to be sure, is Killian’s chameleon-like capacity to alter his appearance and persona. He is 1970’s San Francisco porn star, 1980’s Venice Beach bodybuilder, 1990’s playful poolboy, mythological Narcissus, and primordial man — sometimes, all at once. Working through the lens of Pascal’s eye, Killian’s visage is loved by the camera.

What is most compelling about this new exploration, so different from previous collaborations between photographer and subject, is the implied spontaneity of a Polaroid and the lack of clarity for which this photo type is famous. It adds to the ambiguity of the publication, and is a character itself. The soft edge and bleed of the internal developing agent lends itself to the  timelessness of the images captured. This gauze-like state creates a diaphanous haze that alters the viewer's ability to focus, making the visual exploration even more compelling to review time and again.

John (USA)
A much welcome antidote to both the vapid images of interchangeable buff boys staring lovingly at their own reflection that flood our Instagram feeds and the high gloss beefcake of typical coffee table books, There, the Polaroid Edition is sexy, smart, and even sassy. Pascal’s genius as a photographer is his ability to create images that refuse to be pinned-down, and Killian is the perfect model, willing to project whatever the specific composition demands: at times, he is disarmingly vulnerable; at times, he dares you to return his frankly erotic gaze; at times, he transforms himself into a series of shapes, lines, tones, and contours. Beyond providing an occasion for formal experimentation with color, light, and texture, the polaroid format lends the photos a spontaneity and intimacy that is at times disarming. I know of no other photographer who can combine eroticism, humor, and formal beauty the way Pascal does.
And truly, the images are stunning. The one across from the “walking wounded” page, where Killian is lying face down on the bank of the river is so aesthetically beautiful AND sensual AND sexy, and the one across from “et tu, Bruce” is just disarmingly innocent and evocative.

Uwe (Germany)
I can't remember when I first came across Killian and Pascal’s work. It might have been on Instagram, but after seeing Killian’s first pictures, I was impressed. Impressed because of Killian's charisma and attractiveness, but also because of the photographic work itself. I have been following their work ever since and after a while, I started spoiling myself with their books.
This new book is definitely the latest piece of art. In contrast to the other ones, it consists of more than beautiful photos. The combination of the square format picking up the format of Polaroid photos, the lack of editing of the photos and the additional texts make this book a very unique and again wonderful work. And this approach, this vintage look works for colour photos as well as black and white ones.
For me, this book is not only a perfect addition to my collection, but it brings out a lot of memories for myself, because my first camera as a child was a Polaroid.
Of course, I am now also eagerly awaiting the regular edition of THERE. In any case, the selection of photos for the Polaroid edition promises a lot again.

Paul (USA)
The book is beautifully evocative of a 1970's dream man (mine anyway). The Polaroids are like still frames from a vintage Super 8mm film. Douglas and I are enjoying it immensely. The presentation box sleeve is pretty sexy, too. Kudos my friend.

Mitchell (USA)
This is a wonderful book and an exciting departure from Killian and Pascal’s high-end, refined (but not overly-edited) previous male-art books that feature exacting (and beautiful) images from a professional digital camera. This Very Prime Book is big indeed. And at first pass, it was a lot to take in, particularly reading the accompanying, amusing anecdotes. Viewing the book featuring these unique polaroids is like looking through a cherished photo-album while a friend or family member reminisces about the fun times shared. And the anecdotes, in Pascal's hand-written font, remind us about their dedicated efforts taken to capture the images with purpose and finesse. The result is a marvelous book conveying a feeling of a shared summer vacation with creative and amazing friends – Killian and Pascal. This book has brought us a bit more into their world, like a friendly hug.

What is truly special about this book and these polaroids is that Killian, our young, handsome, amazingly attractive and outgoing star, has once again shared his time and physique with us fans in a treasured work that will stand the test of time, much better than digital images that will be lost in the shuffle on our phones and social media feeds. Even more special is that master photographer Pascal has partnered himself to work with Killian to capture him via these unique polaroids with the best efforts possible. I was very amused while reading the anecdotes of not only the foibles of visiting and shooting at the locations but also working with rather unpredictable media such as Polaroid film using three different models of Polaroid camera. It all results in a truly special book that the two have created and shared with us.

Even more special is actually owning one (or more) of these amazing, unique Polaroids featured in the book or taken at the same time while they visited California, Salagou and Spain. The Polas I now own are treasured collectibles I will keep for years to come. And owning this book after meeting Killian and Pascal in person (and watching a few hours of their process with digital and Polaroid cameras) is icing on the cake! I certainly hope to meet up again with them one day. But in the meantime, the polaroids and this book will occupy a special place in my collection, apart from, but along-side my other Killian photography books.

Jérémie (France)
Le livre est très beau, avec ses superbes photos, mais aussi très étrange quand on a eu d'autres livres de votre travail entre les mains. «Étrange» est peut être mal choisi... disons qu'un décalage s'opère parce que les Polaroïds rendent quelque chose de plus poétique, nostalgique et peut-être parfois mélancolique (écouter du Max Richter en même temps ne doit pas aider pour la mélancolie). Le titre THERE est parfaitement choisi : nous ne sommes pas ici, mais plus loin, géographiquement,  mais aussi dans le passé (« you had to be there »).

On est plongé dans la beauté d'un passé idéal et fantasmé par le mélange du travail fourni en amont, des contraintes liées au format choisi et des accidents inhérents à ce format (les artefacts, l'influence de l'environnement sur ce qui est capté puis développé). Les textes accompagnant les photos sont à la fois drôles (l'auto-dérision de l'aperçu sur les coulisses des shootings) et super enrichissants sur les références. Vos mots nous permettent aussi de nous imaginer là-bas. Un grand bravo, et merci pour le voyage.


This book is beautiful, with superb photos, but also very strange for someone who already has several other books of yours. “Strange” might be a bad choice of words… Let’s say that there is a kind of shift because Polaroids’ rendering has something more poetic, nostalgic and perhaps sometimes melancholic (listening to Max Richter’s music while browsing doesn’t help this melancholy feeling). The title THERE is a perfect choice: we aren’t here, but farther, not only geographically speaking, but also in the past (as in “you had to be there”).

This is a dive into an ideal fantasy past, thanks to the artistic work, the built-in constraints of the chosen format as well as the accidents (artefacts and the environment influencing the image processing).
The accompanying texts are both funny (the self-mocking undertone of the backstage stories) and quite enlightening about the references. Well done — and thank you for taking us on your journey.

Waylon (USA)
This might be my favorite in the series so far. While each collaboration between Pascal and Killian has built upon itself there are a couple things that differentiate this book from the rest. The first is the unique nature of the medium that the photos are captured on. With virtually no editing, the natural reflection of the light in each of the frames, the imperfections of shooting with single use film, the changes in contrast from photo to photo provide a visual feast for the eyes in each of the scenes captured.
Secondly, I absolutely loved the commentary from both Killian and Pascal on the behind the scenes involved in this creating this book. It definitely enhanced the experience and gave a good perspective on both what was involved as well as some of the adventures they had while creating the work.10/10 — an excellent book and I am so excited to support future collaborations.

Joseph (USA)
Killian and Pascal's newest book is totally cool. The idea of a retro style book of Polaroid photography sounds great, but the reality of the book these guys made is REALLY GREAT! The photography is interesting and retro chic. I thoroughly enjoyed the vignettes  and little stories  before each photo. They make the photos come alive and get the viewer engaged in the creation of the photos and the book. The book is totally cool and I highly recommend it.  It's a beautiful work of art and a great time travel back to  idyllic times and places.

C.Y. (China)
This is a quite unique book, as it is beyond photography: for the first time, we have texts that are comments and explanations to this journey, as well as a sort of summary to next photos. They make us share Pascal and Killian’s fascination with this old kind of photography: Polaroids.
If you are a fan of Killian and Pascal, you shouldn't miss this book.

Martin (Canada)
Ce livre est absolument superbe ! La qualité de la reliure et la qualité d'impression sont simplement impeccables ! L'emballage minutieux du livre pour le transport est irréprochable. Et la beauté des photographies de Killian, en particulier celle de la couverture, est littéralement à couper le souffle ! Sublime !


This book is simply superb! Both printing and binding are impeccable. The meticulous packaging is flawless. And Killian’s photographs, particularly on the cover, are literally breathtaking. Sublime!


Željko (Croatia)
This is your best book. I especially like the beginning of the book with your silhouettes, in that strange and empty place. The body close-ups are exquisite. One of many highlights is the picture with your shadow in the water and sneakers by the water. Piece of art. I can say that after you there are no other models. Nobody is good enough for me, because you have everything I like and besides you have your Pygmalion.

Riccardo (Italy)
My absolutely favorite book is LIGHT. The Spanish light, the pics of you taken in front of the big wall and close to the swimming pool, you’ve never been so handsome in my opinion. All your fans know your outside beauty but from this book pic I feel the photographer took your inside beauty and kindness to another level of masterpiece. You look gorgeous in every pics. In my opinion he did his best work with LIGHT.

Gerhard (South Africa)
Growing up as a boy on an African farm, the thing that you experience the most is the amazing sunrises and sunsets. Light and the play thereof on landscapes, buildings and the human form always fascinated me. And that is why LIGHT is my favorite of all the books of yours that I proudly own. I love all of the books equally but there is something about LIGHT that speaks to my heart as an architect. The straight stark lines of the architecture emphasises the beauty of your body. I think all humans strive to reach that perfect physique but most don’t ever achieve it. You give us mere mortals a glimpse of what beauty and the perfect male form is. Every photo is a celebration of beauty and that is what we need in the world right now. Thanks for sharing your body with us in such a beautiful way.

C.Y. (China)
The LIGHT and HEAT books are my favourite: with Pascal‘s photography, these two books have shown the world Killian are the best.


Jürgen (Germany)
Today I am the proud owner of four of your books. Each is more interesting than the other. I started with the book HEAT and then it just kept going on. I particularly like the brilliant collaboration between photographer and model. The pictures look very natural, they are short moments that the photographer captures. Killian has the mischievous face of a young man and the body of an athlete. Every book is a little treasure. Anyone who is interested in these books will enjoy them.The pictures show summer, sun, carefree moments, really an all-round successful experience. My all-time favorite is and remains YOUTH! The purchase was easy, the delivery was quick, despite the distance Paris – Hamburg.

Morgan (France)
YOUTH & SUMMER BROTHERS 2.0 sont une combinaison du naturel et de l’esthétisme. On ressent également au fil des pages la complicité entre les modèles et le plaisir communicatif pris par Killian et ses invités. De plus, je salue également le soin et le travail de Pascal & Killian pour le service client ainsi que leur disponibilité. 

Fabien (France)
Le Summer of Brothers 2 est magnifique. Les couleurs, les lumières, les cadrages, les modèles, les poses, les portraits : les photos sont superbes ! Bravo à vous et aux modèles. Sans oublier que le format 30x30 est excellent, de même que la qualité d'impression.


Jean-Philippe (USA)
Can one have too many photos of Killian? The answer is clearly no as far as I'm concerned since I  just added Bliss to my nearly complete collection.  Just like every other Pascal & Killian project, Bliss is a work of art, from the stunning photographs of the (Greek) God-like Killian, the quality of the prints, to the impeccable presentation and packaging. I am already looking forward to the next book! 


Jean-Marc (France)
Avec HEAT, nous accompagnons Killian tout au long d'une journée tranquille de farniente. Il fait chaud. On imagine sans mal que la nuit a été courte. On suit passionnément notre héros, embrumé de sommeil ou en plein réveil musculaire, dans l'intimité de sa toilette ou face à un paysage grandiose, et entre les deux, des heures de délassement au bord de la piscine, coupées d'une balade et de quelques plongeons dans l'océan tout proche.
Arborant tour à tour une barbe «porc-epic» (le portrait yeux fermés en avant-dernière page est absolument saisissant, au sens premier du mot, car il m'est chaque fois impossible de m'en détacher pendant de longues minutes), ou bien un look décontracté façon « Brigade du Tigre», Killian n'a-t-il pas ce pouvoir de nous ensorceler ? 
On ne demande pas mieux que se laisser faire.  

With HEAT, we follow Killian through a quiet, relaxed, hot day. One easily imagines that the night was short. We passionately follow our hero, still in the mist of sleep or in full muscular awakening, showering or facing a grandiose landscape, and in between, relaxing by the pool or diving into the nearby sea.
Wearing a bristly beard (the portrait with eyes closed on the penultimate page is absolutely striking, literally, because it’s always impossible for me to detach myself from it for long minutes), or the more casual look of a gentleman from the 1900’s, doesn’t Killian have the power to bewitch us? 
We can’t ask for anything better than to let it happen.